TEACHER: Miss Poort

TEACHER: Miss Poort
By Brett Cardwell

School Values

* Manners & Politeness
* Kindness
* Friendliness
* Confidence
* Striving for Excellence
* Honesty
* Respect for Rules, Parents, Teachers, Peers and Yourself
* Tolerance
* Rejection of Bullying

Weekly Timetable

Monday- Assembly / Goals / Reading / Maths / Inquiry

Tuesday- Italian / Reading / Maths / Spelling / Genre

Wednesday- Maths / Reading / BTN / Writing / P.D / Leadership

Thursday- Writing / Reading / Maths / P.E / Art

Friday- Sport / Inquiry

Homework Guidelines

· Homework is handed out on Monday and is due in two weeks later (Monday morning). Homework progress will be checked on the Monday one week after it is handed out.

· Home reading must be completed at least 3 times a week and weekly reading charts must be completed and signed by a parent. Reading charts will be checked every Monday.

· Always set your work out neatly, using red and blue pen and headings

· Re-read, re-think and check that your completed homework is correct and 5 star.

· Ask a teacher if you do not understand anything BEFORE the due date and at the appropriate time.

· Homework should be viewed and signed by your parents.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Students had a fantastic time on camp. Everyone was brilliantly behaved and tried their best at each of the activities. Well done guys and thanks for a great camp.

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