TEACHER: Miss Poort

TEACHER: Miss Poort
By Brett Cardwell

School Values

* Manners & Politeness
* Kindness
* Friendliness
* Confidence
* Striving for Excellence
* Honesty
* Respect for Rules, Parents, Teachers, Peers and Yourself
* Tolerance
* Rejection of Bullying

Weekly Timetable

Monday- Assembly / Goals / Reading / Maths / Inquiry

Tuesday- Italian / Reading / Maths / Spelling / Genre

Wednesday- Maths / Reading / BTN / Writing / P.D / Leadership

Thursday- Writing / Reading / Maths / P.E / Art

Friday- Sport / Inquiry

Homework Guidelines

· Homework is handed out on Monday and is due in two weeks later (Monday morning). Homework progress will be checked on the Monday one week after it is handed out.

· Home reading must be completed at least 3 times a week and weekly reading charts must be completed and signed by a parent. Reading charts will be checked every Monday.

· Always set your work out neatly, using red and blue pen and headings

· Re-read, re-think and check that your completed homework is correct and 5 star.

· Ask a teacher if you do not understand anything BEFORE the due date and at the appropriate time.

· Homework should be viewed and signed by your parents.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Upper School Excursion Term 1

On Monday all of the Upper School students went on an excursion to learn more about groups within the community. Students visited the community radio station 3RRR and the community gardens in St Kilda - Veg Out.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010